Javier Urra Portillo

Academic Number of the Academy of Psychology of Spain, Spain


Javier Urra is an Expert of the State Pact against gender violence (Spain). He is a Number Academician of the Spanish Academy of Psychology. Professor of Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid. PhD in Psychology. and Dr. in Health Sciences. Psychologist of the Prosecutor's Office of the Superior Court of Justice and of the Juvenile Courts of Madrid. First Ombudsman for Minors in the Community of Madrid. He was also president of the European network of Ombudsmen for Minors. He is an ambassador for the American Association for Legal Psychology. He is currently Clinical Director of RECURRA GINSO.

Research Interest

Clinical director and president of the Governing Committee of RECURRA-GINSO (child and adolescent mental health clinic and therapeutic center). Honorary President of the Spanish Society for the Study of Child-to-Parent Violence (SEVIFIP). Writer. Consultant in the Media. First Defender of the Minor. He is a Collegiate of Honor in Psychology and was awarded the Cross of San Raimundo de Peñafort by the Ministry of Justice. Francisco de Javier Award from the Government of Navarra.