Placidia Vavirai

Zimbabwe, Independent researcher, Zimbabwe
Title : Primary Health Care – What it means for a villager in a developing country, case study Malawi and Zimbabwe


The global village is so intertwined more than before; however, it is challenged by public health issues, worth to note the current grappling with Covid -19.  It has become evident the importance of looking at public health issues as they affect everyone everywhere. Additionally, it has become clearer how one country cannot do without the other. Global conferences bring a platform to share, listen, observe, learn, and adapt into a true global village where the main objective becomes to save the life of the other to   preserve yours (if in a privileged position). We simply have been challenged to go back to the drawing board and deal with the basics like the provision of primary health care.  Today I would like to share with you experiences from the south (focus on Malawi & Zimbabwe) and challenge us as a global village to have a perspective of how wide a gap is between developed and developing countries.


Placidia Vavirai has completed her master “Infrastructure in Emergencies” at the age of 36 years from Loughborough University, UK. She has been working in the humanitarian sector since 2007 and currently with the Swiss Red Cross, in Sudan. She has a single publication in international journals. Placidia has vast experience working in water and sanitation in developing countries including public health emergency responses. Recently she moderated an international “Physical health webinar “. This is her first appearance as a keynote speaker. Placidia is a proud mother of 4 lovely children