Yara AlTahan

HMC, Qatar

Title: Pregnant women utilization of internet and social media for health education in Saudi Arabia: A thematic analysis


Globally, primary health care systems are facing a diversity of challenges. Different settings and contexts require different PHC reforms to address the various challenges ahead. Challenges include financial constraints and reduced public spending on health care, changing demand which is ascribed to the aging of populations, growing possibilities of technology and workforce developments with a fairly stable supply of GPs. A growing number of countries are raising concerns about the availability of sufficient GPs in the forthcoming years. The above challenges should then prompt health care systems to adapt and develop strategic plans to improve responsiveness to current population health needs and to achieve its goal in improving healthcare access and outcomes while narrowing health gaps in a context dependent manner. In addition, there is an essential need for PHC to take a proactive role in addressing the SDH. The WHO in its report “Primary health care: closing the gap between public health and primary care through integration” identified 3 main elements of Primary health care :  
1) primary care and essential public health functions as the core of integrated services     
2) multisectoral policy and action 
3) empowered people and communities.


Yara AlTahan has graduated from RCSI in 2019. She is currently a Masters candidate and is a second year resident in Preventive and community medicine program in HMC.